Tuesday 18 January 2011

Temptations again.

I am discovering just how much mood can affect my shopping.  I have for the most part been able to follow my goals for this month regarding menu planning and spending less.  I have been cooking from the pantry shelves and the freezer and made some really lovely meals, too.  I have spent much less than half of my usual spend so far.

But yesterday I was having a rough day.  I had two different doctor appointments, it was pouring rain, and parking was terrible both times.  I was tired, hungry, nauseous, and generally fed up.  (Though the appointments themselves went really well).  I was so tempted to walk into a grocery store and just fill my cart with custard, cake, soup, breads, chicken, fresh fruit, cookies, tea, and ingredients to make lovely roast dinners and more cakes.

Fortunately I live miles from a grocery store, and so my budget was saved.  I did stop at the petrol station for some petrol.  I purchased a half price pack of cake and some sour sweets---the only thing I have found to help with pregnancy nausea. 

I arrived home and enjoyed my treats--though they would have been nicer with a cup of tea.  And I remembered back to the last time I bought things when I didn't intend to.  It was when I was having a really bad day and had to go to another hospital appointment.  I wrote about it a few weeks ago.  I didn't want to get out of bed that day.  And on the way to my appointment I told myself I would go to the shop, find something I could eat and drink and a magazine. 

So I either have to decide that my budget can handle this or I need to make sure I take time to do some cheaper relaxation and pleasure activities.  And since my budget can't handle this, meditation it is!  And I went to the library and grabbed five, yes five novels.  Nothing like a stack of pleasure to make you feel spoiled. 

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