Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Lenten De-cluttering Challenge 2014 #1

I have found this lovely idea which seems perfect for my family this year.  Give up 40 things for each of the 40 days of Lent (skipping Sundays).  The items can be thrown out, given away to friends or donated.  I came across the idea on Pinterest and I cannot find the website anywhere now, so I apologise to the blogger who suggested it.

The reason I think this would be so helpful for us this year is because we downsized to a small bungalow six months ago.  I still have loads of boxes in closets and in the halls.  We gave up lots of items already, but it still feels quite crowded in here.

I don't know that I have enough things to give up 40 items for 40 days.  So I might need to be creative with this one.  I feel like I am cheating a bit because I have a box of nearly 40 items sitting ready to bring to the charity shop.  So I am off to put a few more books and clothes in and I can pop it into the car ready to bring to the charity shop tomorrow morning.

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