Today marks the beginning of Lent. It is always a special time of the year when we are contemplating endings and new beginnings. I spend a lot of the winter months reflecting and journaling and planning. I am a planner. And typically just as I plan unrealistic New Year's Resolutions I also take on un-achievable Lenten tasks.
I usually decide to give up chocolate or all sweets and only last about two days. In recent years I have been taking a different approach. One which seems to be working a bit better. I have been using Lent as a reminder to slow down, spend less, argue less, plant more, share more and take care of my health. I take some extra time for prayer and meditation. For dreaming, planning and growth. You cannot necessarily measure these things on the scales or on a chart. I can only consider them in my own heart.
I have made some tentative plans to give up chocolate and I am also doing some decluttering in preparation for some family coming to visit at Easter. I have found a great idea on Pinterest (sorry I really cannot find the website again despite much effort!) which suggested throwing out or donating 40 items each day for 40 days (skipping Sundays). More on that here.
I have found a few other blogs with great ideas for families at this time of year:
Welcome to my domestic monastery
Catholic Icing
Wishing you and your family a blessed season.
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